
    Key technology of main coal flow transportation control system

    • 摘要: 针对煤矿带式输送机在生产过程中多采用逆煤流启动,再启动过程中存在空载或轻载时间长,导致电能的浪费严重等问题,设计了1种多级串联带式输送机节能控制系统;系统采用PLC为控制核心,结合煤量识别装置,通过BP神经网络建模及重要参数优化得到了煤流量、带速、能耗之间的对应关系。通过现场实际应用,验证了该系统能够实现节能降耗及高效运输的能力,实现了带式输送机的顺煤流一键启停控制、煤量负载均衡。


      Abstract: In view of the coal mine belt conveyor in the production process of using reverse coal flow to start, there is no load or light load in the restart process for a long time, resulting in serious waste of electric energy and other problems, a multi-level series belt conveyor energy-saving control system is designed. The system uses PLC as the control core and combined with coal quantity identification device to realize the one key start and stop control of belt conveyor along coal flow. The coal load is balanced. The corresponding relationship among coal flow, belt speed and energy consumption is obtained through BP neural network modeling and important parameter optimization. Through the field practical application, it is verified that the system can realize the ability of energy saving, consumption reduction and efficient transportation.


