
    Optimization Design of Supporting Parameter for Extreme Soft Surrounding Rock Under the Influence of Mining

    • 摘要: 针对采动影响下的极软围岩控制问题,在原有支护设计的基础之上,采用数值模拟手段对贵州兴义矿区极软岩巷道进行了支护参数的优化设计。根据锚、喷、网、索、梁的支护方式,考虑锚杆的间排距、锚杆长度等因素,设计了9种计算方案;采用FLAC软件分别对这些方案进行了计算,根据计算结果可到支护的最优方案。该方案用于现场后,巷道围岩变形得到了较好的控制。


      Abstract: For the controlling problem of extreme soft surrounding rock influenced by mining, on the basis of original supporting design, numerical simulation way is used to carry out supporting parameters optimization design for extreme soft surrounding rock roadway in Guizhou Xingyi mining area. Nine kinds of computational schemes are designed according to support style of bolt, spray, net, cable and beam as well as the factors of bolting row and line space, bolting length. FLAC software is used to calculate the nine schemes, and the optimal support scheme is achieved. The deformation of the roadway surrounding rock is well controlled by using the optimal support scheme.


