
    Study on the Non-stable Flowing Rules of Airflows in Large-scale Mines with Thick Seam and High Gas

    • 摘要: 以塔山煤矿为工程研究背景,对"两进一回"的通风风流流动规律进行了分析。建立了风流非线性计算模型,并在此基础上运用Comsol数值计算软件分析不同配风量情况下风流的流动规律。研究结果表明,当两巷道进风量一样时,在工作面的中部形成了涡流,瓦斯容易积聚,风速达到9 m/s以上,巷道中风流整体上近似服从正态分布。当两巷道进风量不一样时,工作面内没有形成瓦斯积聚,瓦斯得到充分的稀释,风速约为4.7 m/s,巷道内风流流动状态起伏较大。两进风巷风量分配不一样更有利于工作面瓦斯的稀释。


      Abstract: In this paper, Tashan Coal mine is taken as the research subject and a new ventilation method is put forward. Then, based on the non-linear computation model of air-flow, this thesis, using computation software of Comsol, will make an analysis of the flowing rules under different quantity of air intake. The result shows that when the air intake has the same quantity in two lanes, the vortex will be created in working face, with a air velocity of 9 m/s. In such case, gas accumulation will take place and flowing states of air-flow can be presented in a normal distribution. When the air intake has the different quantity in two lanes,gas accuniulation will not be produced and the air velocity reaches 4.7 m/s so that the gas can be completely diluted. And also, the flowing states are non-stable. Therefore, different quantity of air intake contributes to the gas dilution.


