Graded frequency control strategy and numerical simulation of mine local ventilator
摘要: 目前国内大多数煤矿并不具备先进的通风系统,局部通风机通常采用恒频运转的“一风吹”方式排放瓦斯,导致设备效率低,造成资源、能源的严重浪费。针对上述问题,以某矿为例深度剖析巷道瓦斯体积分数和需风量之间的关系,提出一种将风机频率划分为4个等级的分级变频控制策略,结合模糊控制理论制定系统升频和降频的运行条件,利用数值模拟的方法,分析了不同瓦斯体积分数状态下风机控制和瓦斯排放情况。结果表明:该控制策略能够使掘进工作面的瓦斯体积分数始终维持在0.5%~0.8%范围内,无需进行复杂的解耦运算,可以在一定程度上提高系统运行的稳定性,实现真正意义上的“按需通风”,提升通风效率并降低能耗。Abstract: At present, most coal mines in China do not have advanced ventilation systems, and local ventilation fans usually use constant frequency operation “one wind”to discharge gas, resulting in low equipment efficiency and serious waste of resources and energy. In view of the above problems, taking a mine as an example, the relationship between gas volume fraction and air demand in roadway was deeply analyzed, and a graded frequency conversion control strategy was proposed, which divided the fan frequency into four levels. The operating conditions of the system frequency upturn and frequency downturn were formulated by combining the fuzzy control theory. The fan control and gas emission under different gas volume fraction conditions were analyzed by numerical simulation method. The results show that this control strategy can keep the gas volume fraction in the working face within the range of 0.5%-0.8%, without complicated decoupling calculation, improve the stability of the system operation to a certain extent, realize “on-demand ventilation” in a real sense, which significantly improves ventilation efficiency and reduces energy consumption.
- local fan /
- heading face /
- gas migration /
- graded frequency conversion /
- numerical simulation
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