Influence of mental toughness of miners on safety performance based on mediating effect of self-control and job burnout
摘要: 为了明确矿工心理韧性对安全绩效的影响,引入自我控制和职业倦怠2个中介变量,在文献研究的基础上建立链式中介模型。采用心理韧性量表、自我控制量表、职业倦怠量表、安全绩效量表对随机抽取的320名矿工问卷调查,并通过SPSS和AMOS软件相关性分析和链式中介模型检验;此外,将矿工年龄作为调节变量,研究不同年龄矿工心理韧性对安全绩效的影响。研究结果表明:提高矿工心理韧性有助于提高安全绩效,有效干预矿工自我控制和职业倦怠能够提高安全绩效水平,并且矿工年龄对心理韧性和安全绩效之间的关系有负向调节作用。Abstract: In order to clarify the impact of miners’ psychological resilience on safety performance, this paper introduces two mediating variables, self-control and job burnout, and establishes a chain mediation model based on literature research. A total of 320 randomly selected miners were surveyed with Mental Resilience Scale, Self-Control Scale, Occupational Burnout Scale, and Safety Performance Scale, and were tested by SPSS and AMOS software correlation analysis and chain mediation model. In addition, the age of miners was used as a moderator variable to study the effect of psychological resilience of miners of different ages on safety performance. The results show that improving miners’ psychological resilience is helpful to improve safety performance, and effective intervention on miners’ self-control and job burnout can improve safety performance, and miners’ age has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between psychological resilience and safety performance.
- psychological resilience /
- self-control /
- job burnout /
- safety performance /
- chain mediation
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