• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


高卫富, 吴鹏正, 王立栋, 尹俊凯, 贾李博

高卫富, 吴鹏正, 王立栋, 尹俊凯, 贾李博. 直流电法四极装置超前探测正演模拟研究及应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 206-211.
引用本文: 高卫富, 吴鹏正, 王立栋, 尹俊凯, 贾李博. 直流电法四极装置超前探测正演模拟研究及应用[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 206-211.
GAO Weifu, WU Pengzheng, WANG Lidong, YIN Junkai, JIA Libo. Research and application of forward modeling of direct current quadrupole device in advance detection[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 206-211.
Citation: GAO Weifu, WU Pengzheng, WANG Lidong, YIN Junkai, JIA Libo. Research and application of forward modeling of direct current quadrupole device in advance detection[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 206-211.


Research and application of forward modeling of direct current quadrupole device in advance detection

  • 摘要: 为研究矿井直流电法四极装置在掘进巷道超前探中的可行性,建立了巷道超前探三维地电模型,利用ANSYS模拟四极装置进行数据采集;对采集数据采用比值法剔除巷道、装置等干扰因素影响,并与无巷道影响下的采集数据进行对比研究;建立3个全空间地电模型,研究四极装置对不同异常体位置的响应,得出四极装置对低阻异常体的响应特征;通过工程实例说明该方法的实用性。研究结果表明:比值法能够消除巷道对异常体的影响,实现四极装置巷道超前探测,巷道超前探中采用四极装置进行数据采集是可行的。
    Abstract: In order to study the feasibility of mine DC quadrupole device in advance detection of tunneling roadway, a 3D geoelectric model of roadway advance detection is established, and ANSYS is used to simulate quadrupole device for data acquisition; the ratio method is used to eliminate the influence of interference factors such as roadway and device, and the collected data without the influence of roadway is compared with the collected data; three full space geoelectric models are established to study the response of quadrupole device to different abnormal body positions, and the response characteristics of quadrupole device to low resistance abnormal body are obtained; the practicability of this method is illustrated by an engineering example. The research results show that the ratio method can eliminate the influence of the roadway on the abnormal body, and realize the advance detection of the roadway with the quadrupole device. It is feasible to use the quadrupole device to collect data in the advance detection of the roadway.
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