Study on grouting reinforcement test of north slope surface fracture zone in Fushun West Open-pit Mine
摘要: 为了研究抚顺城区地裂缝发育地段沉陷变形防灾减灾的问题,选取抚顺西露天矿北帮地表断裂带不同变形区段,采用袖阀管法、全孔注浆法进行注浆加固试验。经现场实践:试验区18.50~25.5 m深度范围岩体破碎、空化严重;F1A断裂带采用全孔注浆法施工效果较好,不适宜采用袖阀管法施工;F41断裂带处采用袖阀管法施工效果较好。通过注浆前后的渗透率、渗透系数对比及钻探取心表明:试验区注浆加固起到了填充固结作用,适用于地裂缝变形破坏地段的治理。Abstract: In order to study the subsidence deformation disaster prevention and mitigation in Fushun urban ground crack development area, we select different deformation sections of surface fault zone in Fushun West open-pit mine to carry out grouting reinforcement tests with sleeve valve tube method and full hole grouting method. Through the field practice, the rock mass is seriously broken and cavitated in the depth range of 18.50-25.5 m in the test area. F1A fault zone with full hole grouting method is better than sleeve valve tube method. It is better to use sleeve valve tube method in F41 fracture zone. Through the comparison of permeability and permeability coefficient before and after grouting, as well as drilling coring, it is shown that grouting reinforcement plays a filling and consolidation role in the test area, which is suitable for the treatment of deformation and failure of ground cracks.
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