• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


唐建新, 王 潇, 袁 芳, 孔令锐, 李 伟, 李 霜, 鲁思佳, 林 圆

唐建新, 王 潇, 袁 芳, 孔令锐, 李 伟, 李 霜, 鲁思佳, 林 圆. 基于位移反分析法的沿空留巷巷道矿压分布规律[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 128-134.
引用本文: 唐建新, 王 潇, 袁 芳, 孔令锐, 李 伟, 李 霜, 鲁思佳, 林 圆. 基于位移反分析法的沿空留巷巷道矿压分布规律[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 128-134.
TANG Jianxin, WANG Xiao, YUAN Fang, KONG Lingrui, LI Wei, LI Shuang, LU Sijia, LIN Yuan. Rock pressure distribution law of roadway based on displacement back analysis method[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 128-134.
Citation: TANG Jianxin, WANG Xiao, YUAN Fang, KONG Lingrui, LI Wei, LI Shuang, LU Sijia, LIN Yuan. Rock pressure distribution law of roadway based on displacement back analysis method[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 128-134.


Rock pressure distribution law of roadway based on displacement back analysis method

  • 摘要: 以川煤集团叙永一矿沿空留巷为工程背景,采用位移反分析法校准了室内煤岩物理力学参数测试结果,并采用数值模拟方法分析了沿空留巷巷道矿压分布规律。现场观测结果显示:工作面回采期间,巷道顶底板最大相对移近量743 mm,巷道顶底板移近方式以顶板下沉为主,平均顶板下沉量为底鼓量的3.6倍,数值模拟结果为3.5倍。参数校准结果表明:弹性模量、黏聚力的折减对顶底板的移近量有显著影响;计算时步相同时,顶底板移近量随弹性模量、黏聚力的减小而增大,当弹性模量降低为20%时,巷道顶底板移近量最大值增加800 mm。数值模拟分析结果表明:采煤工作面后方沿空留巷高帮支承压力显著升高,支承压力分布呈两侧低,中间高的“凸”起状,且随着工作面不断推进,支承压力峰值不断增大;工作面平均超前支承压力影响范围为77 m。
    Abstract: Taking gob-side entry retaining in Sichuan Coal Group Xuyong No.1 mine as an engineering background, the displacement inverse analysis method is used to calibrate the physical and mechanical parameters test results of coal and rock, and the numerical simulation method is used to analyze the mine pressure distribution law of gob-side entry retaining roadway. Field observation shows that during the working face mining, the maximum relative displacement of roadway roof and floor is 743 mm. Roof subsidence is the main displacement mode of roadway roof and floor. The average roof subsidence is 3.6 times of floor heave, and the numerical simulation result is 3.5 times. The parameter calibration results show that the reduction of elastic modulus and cohesion has a significant impact on the roof and floor approach. At the same calculation step, the roof and floor approach increases with the decrease of elastic modulus and cohesion. When the elastic modulus is reduced to 20%, the maximum value of roof and floor approach increases to 800 mm. The numerical simulation results show that the abutment pressure at the high wall of gob-side entry retaining roadway at the rear of mining face increases significantly, and the abutment pressure distribution is low on both sides and “convex” with the middle height, and the peak value of abutment pressure increases with the advance of working face. The influence range of the average leading abutment pressure of the working face is 77 m.
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