Stress evolution of surrounding rock and rock burst prevention technology of gob-side roadway in folded structural belt
摘要: 针对宝积山矿705工作面临空巷道冲击地压事故,通过现场调研、理论分析、数值模拟和现场试验等方法,对褶曲构造带冲击发生机理及防治技术进行了研究。结果表明:1#煤层具有强冲击倾向性,1#煤顶底板岩层具有弱冲击倾向性;随着煤层倾角减小,处于采空区下侧的支承压力增大,处于采空区上侧的支承压力减小,临空巷道实体煤侧在倾角30°时出现“L”形应力集中区;煤层倾角从45°向0°变化时,应力集中程度越来越高;相比于相邻703工作面,705工作面煤层倾角减小,煤层中集中程度更高;褶曲构造带附近应力集中情况增加是引起冲击的内因。提出了大直径钻孔联合高压注水卸压和加强支护协同控制技术,并进行现场应用,电磁辐射监测结果表明卸压及控制效果明显。Abstract: Aiming at the occurrence of rock burst along gob-side roadway in No.705 mining area of Baojishan Coal Mine, the occurrence mechanism of rock burst in folding structure is studied by means of field investigation, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field test. The results show that: 1# coal seam has strong impact tendency, and 1# coal roof and floor rock stratum has weak impact tendency. With the decrease of coal seam dip angle, the pressure on the lower side of gob increases, while the pressure on the upper side of gob decreases. The L-shaped stress concentration area appears on the solid coal side of gob at 30°. With the change of coal seam dip angle from 45° to 0°, the stress concentration is higher. Compared with the adjacent 703 working face, the coal seam dip angle of No.705 working face is reduced, and the degree of concentration in the coal seam is higher. Therefore, the increase of stress concentration in the fold structural belt is the internal factor. The technology of large diameter borehole combined with high pressure water injection and pressure relief and strengthening support cooperative control are proposed and applied in the field. The results of electromagnetic radiation monitoring show that the pressure relief and control effect is obvious.
- rock burst /
- inclination change /
- gob-side roadway /
- cooperative control /
- electromagnetic radiation
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