• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


李一哲, 秦 凯, 王 寅, 李云鹏, 管新邦, 赵善坤, 郝其林, 许士奎

李一哲, 秦 凯, 王 寅, 李云鹏, 管新邦, 赵善坤, 郝其林, 许士奎. 区域多工作面协调开采防治冲击地压实践研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 92-99.
引用本文: 李一哲, 秦 凯, 王 寅, 李云鹏, 管新邦, 赵善坤, 郝其林, 许士奎. 区域多工作面协调开采防治冲击地压实践研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 92-99.
LI Yizhe, QIN Kai, WANG Yin, LI Yunpeng, GUAN Xinbang, ZHAO Shankun, HAO Qilin, XU Shikui. Practice research on prevention and control of rock burst with harmonic mining among regional multiple working faces[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 92-99.
Citation: LI Yizhe, QIN Kai, WANG Yin, LI Yunpeng, GUAN Xinbang, ZHAO Shankun, HAO Qilin, XU Shikui. Practice research on prevention and control of rock burst with harmonic mining among regional multiple working faces[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 92-99.


Practice research on prevention and control of rock burst with harmonic mining among regional multiple working faces

  • 摘要: 矿井多工作面之间的开采扰动会诱发煤矿冲击地压灾害,区域工作面协调开采是此类冲击地压防治的关键手段之一。为了工程验证区域多工作面协调开采防治冲击地压的合理性和有效性,以冲击地压多发的义马矿区为例,基于模拟得到的协调开采原则及参数取值,制定了跃进-常村井间区域协调开采方案,通过对比不同协调开采程度区域的应力转移特征和冲击事件特征,评估了工作面协调开采效果。结果表明:跃进-常村井间区域中,跃进23092工作面和常村21162工作面煤层厚度和巨厚砾岩厚度较小,23092-21162工作面组和21170-21162工作面组开采时工作面之间煤柱宽度较大、两工作面水平距离和垂直错距较远,井间23092工作面和21162工作面为最优的接续工作面;跃进-常村井间区域协调开采程度高于耿村-千秋井间区域,协调开采使工作面之间由冲击和开采引发应力转移的频次和强度均明显降低,应力转移范围明显减小,协调开采效果明显。
    Abstract: The mining disturbance between multiple working faces will induce rock burst disaster, and regional harmonic mining is one of the key means to prevent this kind of rock burst. In order to verify the rationality and effectiveness of regional harmonic mining to prevent rock burst, taking Yima Mining Area where rock burst occurs frequently as an example, based on the harmonic mining principles and parameter values obtained from simulation, the harmonic mining scheme in the area between Yuejin and Changcun coal mines is formulated, and the effect of harmonic mining is evaluated by comparing the stress transfer characteristics and rock burst characteristics in the area with different harmonic degrees. The results show that the thickness of coal seam and huge thick conglomerate of Yuejin 23092 face and Changcun 21162 face are smaller in the area between Yuejin and Changcun coal mines. The width of coal pillar between 23092-21162 and 21170-21162 working faces are larger, and the horizontal distance and vertical offset between the two faces are further, so the 23092 and 21162 working faces between the two coal mines are the optimal continuous working faces. The degree of harmonic mining in the area between Yuejin and Changcun coal mines is higher than that of Gengcun and Qianqiu coal mines. The frequency and intensity of stress transfer caused by rock burst and mining among working faces are all significantly reduced with harmonic mining, and the range of stress transfer significantly is reduced, so the effect of harmonic mining is obvious.
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