
    Study on grouting suspension performance of gasification ash of coal-based oil

    • 摘要: 提出一种将气化灰渣作为灌浆防灭火材料灌注到井下采空区的思路。为有效解决在灌浆过程中气化灰渣浆液易堵塞管道的问题,通过一系列实验,研究了黄原胶、羧甲基纤维素(CMC)和钠土等3种悬浮剂对气化灰渣浆液的悬浮率和流动度的影响。结果表明:随着悬浮剂添加量的增加,浆液的悬浮率逐渐上升,流动度逐渐降低;当黄原胶、CMC、钠土的添加量分别为0.25%、1.50%、3.00%时,悬浮率达到最大,分别为81.82%、72.73%、53.24%;在3种悬浮剂中,黄原胶对气化灰渣的悬浮效果最好,CMC次之,钠土最差;浆液中添加黄原胶时,浆液的流动度最差,不利于浆液的管道输送;当添加钠土时,浆液的流动度最好,但是容易出现水灰分离,堵塞管道。综合悬浮率和流动考虑,选取CMC作为悬浮剂。


      Abstract: This paper proposes an idea of pouring gasification ash into the underground goaf as a grouting fire prevention and extinguishing material. In order to effectively solve the problem that the gasification ash slurry of coal-based oil tends to block the pipeline in the process of grouting, the influence of three suspension agents such as xanthan gum, carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC) and sodium soil on the suspension rate and fluidity of gasification ash slurry was studied through a series of experiments. The results showed that with the increase of the amount of suspension agent, the suspension rate of slurry increased gradually, and its fluidity decreased gradually. More specifically, when the addition amount of xanthan gum, CMC and sodium-soil was 0.25%, 1.5%and 3%, respectively, the suspension rate reached the maximum with 81.82%, 72.73% and 53.24%, respectively. Among the three suspending agents, xanthan gum has the best suspending effect on gasification ash, followed by CMC and sodium-soil. The fluidity experiment showed that the fluidity of the slurry was the worst with adding xanthan gum to the slurry, which is not beneficial for the pipeline transportation of the slurry. While sodium-clay is added to slurry, the fluidity of the slurry is the best. But it is prone to water-cement separation and blockage of the pipe. Hence, considering suspension rate and flow, CMC was selected as suspension agent.


