• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


谢 军, 卞兆庆, 解恒星, 王 怡, 王法铨

谢 军, 卞兆庆, 解恒星, 王 怡, 王法铨. 基于CiteSpace的矿用凝胶研究趋势分析[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 54-60.
引用本文: 谢 军, 卞兆庆, 解恒星, 王 怡, 王法铨. 基于CiteSpace的矿用凝胶研究趋势分析[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 54-60.
XIE Jun, BIAN Zhaoqing, XIE Hengxing, WANG Yi, WANG Faquan. Trend of mine-used gel research based on CiteSpace[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 54-60.
Citation: XIE Jun, BIAN Zhaoqing, XIE Hengxing, WANG Yi, WANG Faquan. Trend of mine-used gel research based on CiteSpace[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 54-60.


Trend of mine-used gel research based on CiteSpace

  • 摘要: 为系统总结国内矿用凝胶领域的研究成果,分析矿用凝胶的未来发展趋势,通过对中国知网(CNKI)数据库中2000—2021年间矿用凝胶领域的文献进行检索,借助CiteSpace可视化软件对矿用凝胶研究情况进行了图谱分析和展望。结果表明:中国矿业大学、西安科技大学等高校是矿用凝胶研究较活跃的机构,在凝胶研发及应用中起主导作用;关键词聚类可分为凝胶种类、性能研究和实际应用3个方面,展现了该领域的基本知识框架;研究热点集中于“接枝共聚、交联”的高分子类凝胶改性技术;生物质类凝胶防灭火技术将是矿用凝胶未来发展的趋势。
    Abstract: In order to systematically summarize the research results in the field of mine-used gel in China and analyze the future development trend of mining gel, the literature in the field of mine-used gel from 2000 to 2021 in the database of CNKI was searched, and the graphical analysis and outlook of mine-used gel research were conducted with the help of CiteSpace visualization software. The results show that: universities such as China University of Mining and Technology and Xi’an University of Science and Technology are the more active institutions in the research of mine-used gel and play a leading role in the development and application of gel; the keyword clustering can be divided into three aspects of gel types, performance research and practical applications, showing the basic knowledge framework in this field; the research hotspots focus on “graft copolymerization, cross-linking” polymer gel modification technology; biomass gel fire prevention technology will be the future development trend of mine-used gel.
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