Research on key technologies of mine intelligent ventilation system
摘要: 实现矿井通风智能化是建设智能矿山的主要技术手段。针对目前通风系统调整失准、智能化水平低、预警信息不能反映到抢险救灾指挥中心等问题,提出一种矿井智能通风系统建设方案;该方案由井下监控设备和地面控制中心组成,旨在建立三维通风模拟与隐患智能识别平台,实现矿井通风数据实时动态分析、三维可视化展现以及安全预警与辅助决策;重点研究了通风监测大数据库、三维通风模拟、AI视频智能识别、预警及辅助决策、系统联动控制5个关键技术,详细阐述了各自的技术特征与实现方案。基于计算机软件开发技术、三维仿真技术以及人工智能技术设计并开发实现了矿井智能通风系统。Abstract: The realization of intelligent mine ventilation is the main technical means to build intelligent mines. Aiming at the problems of inaccurate adjustment of the ventilation system, low level of intelligence, and early warning information to be reflected in the emergency and disaster relief command center, a construction scheme of mine intelligent ventilation system was proposed. The scheme consists of underground monitoring equipment and a ground control center. It aims to establish a 3D ventilation simulation and intelligent identification platform for hidden dangers, and realize real-time dynamic analysis of mine ventilation data, 3D visualization, and safety early warning and auxiliary decision-making. Five key technologies of ventilation monitoring database, 3D ventilation simulation, AI video intelligent recognition, early warning and auxiliary decision-making, and system linkage control were studied in detail, and their technical characteristics and implementation plans were elaborated. Based on computer software development technology, 3D simulation technology and artificial intelligence technology, the mine intelligent ventilation system is designed and developed.
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