• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


许文杰, 姚彦军, 王 毅, 王 开

许文杰, 姚彦军, 王 毅, 王 开. 含瓦斯煤低温吸附过程能量变化规律研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 40-45.
引用本文: 许文杰, 姚彦军, 王 毅, 王 开. 含瓦斯煤低温吸附过程能量变化规律研究[J]. 煤矿安全, 2023, 54(2): 40-45.
XU Wenjie, YAO Yanjun, WANG Yi, WANG Kai. Study on energy variation of coal containing gas during low temperature adsorption process[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 40-45.
Citation: XU Wenjie, YAO Yanjun, WANG Yi, WANG Kai. Study on energy variation of coal containing gas during low temperature adsorption process[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2023, 54(2): 40-45.


Study on energy variation of coal containing gas during low temperature adsorption process

  • 摘要: 为了得出煤吸附甲烷过程中能量变化规律,通过高低温智能吸附实验箱分别进行温度为30、15、0、-15、-30、-45 ℃,初始吸附压力为1、1.5、2、2.5、3 MPa的煤吸附甲烷实验。结果表明:加大注气压力和降低吸附温度是影响煤在吸附甲烷过程温度变化量增大的2个重要因素;一定质量煤样吸附甲烷前后表面自由能会降低,热量会升高,且其差值因甲烷压力的升高而逐步增大;升压或降温在煤吸附甲烷过程中都使得煤温度变化量增大,实质上是煤表面自由能甲烷分子势能转化为热量值来维持整体能量平衡的现象。
    Abstract: In order to obtain the energy change rule in coal adsorbing methane process, methane adsorption experiments were carried out with the temperature of 30 ℃, 15 ℃, 0 ℃, -15℃, -30 ℃, -45 ℃ and the initial adsorption pressure of 1 MPa, 1.5 MPa, 2 MPa, 2.5 MPa, 3 MPa by the high and low temperature intelligent adsorption experiment chamber. The results show that increasing the gas injection pressure and decreasing the adsorption temperature are two important factors that affect the increase of temperature variation in the process of methane adsorption; the surface free energy of coal samples with a certain mass decreases and the heat increases before and after methane adsorption, and the difference increases gradually due to the increase of methane pressure; in the process of coal adsorbing methane, either pressure boost or temperature drop will increase the coal temperature variation, it is essentially a phenomenon that methane molecular potential energy of coal surface free energy is converted into heat value to maintain the overall energy balance.
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