
    Sudden change mechanism of mine pressure in fully mechanized caving face and its countermeasures

    • 摘要: 针对黄玉川煤矿22602综放工作面出现的矿压突变现象,利用理论分析、数值模拟及现场实测的方法,在上煤层已采并有断层影响的情况下,对综放工作面矿压突变机理及应对措施展开研究。结果表明:22602综放工作面位于上煤层采后应力影响区内,开采过程中上部采空区顶板活化,主关键层二次失稳,覆岩大范围的台阶式下沉导致22602综放工作面出现矿压突变现象。据此,利用降低采高的方法来控制矿压突变现象的发生,在现场应用后工作面来压剧烈程度明显降低,确保了黄玉川22602综放工作面的安全高效开采。


      Abstract: In view of the sudden change of mine pressure in 226 upper 02 fully mechanized caving face of Huangyuchuan Coal Mine, the mechanism and countermeasures of sudden change of mine pressure in fully mechanized caving face are studied by using the methods of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and field measurement under the condition that the upper coal seam has been mined and affected by faults. The results show that 226 upper 02 fully mechanized caving face is located in the post mining stress influence area of the upper coal seam. During the mining process, the roof of the upper goaf is activated, the main key layer is secondary unstable, and the large-scale bench subsidence of overburden leads to the sudden change of mine pressure in 226 upper 02 fully mechanized caving working face. Therefore, the method of reducing mining height is used to control the occurrence of sudden change of mine pressure. After field application, the severity of ground pressure in the working face is significantly reduced, which ensures the safe and efficient mining of Huangyuchuan 226 upper 02 fully mechanized top caving face.


