• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


王烁康, 闫晶晶, 阳元中

王烁康, 闫晶晶, 阳元中. “充填体-煤柱”复合结构势能突变破坏机理[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(12): 201-209.
引用本文: 王烁康, 闫晶晶, 阳元中. “充填体-煤柱”复合结构势能突变破坏机理[J]. 煤矿安全, 2022, 53(12): 201-209.
WANG Shuokang, YAN Jingjing, YANG Yuanzhong. Potential energy catastrophe failure mechanism of “filling body-coal pillar” composite structure[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(12): 201-209.
Citation: WANG Shuokang, YAN Jingjing, YANG Yuanzhong. Potential energy catastrophe failure mechanism of “filling body-coal pillar” composite structure[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2022, 53(12): 201-209.


Potential energy catastrophe failure mechanism of “filling body-coal pillar” composite structure

  • 摘要: 为研究巷式充填开采“充填体-煤柱”复合结构稳定性,分析了复合结构承载特征,建立了复合结构充填体承载部分与煤柱承载部分势能函数表达式;运用突变理论,分析了势能发生燕尾型突变的临界条件,给出了以塑性区宽度为主要指标的复合结构破坏失稳判别公式,研究了采场巷道宽度、煤层埋深以及开采阶段数等开采参数对复合结构稳定性的影响;采用数值计算的方法,结合王台铺煤矿工程案例,分析了复合结构垂直应力分布特征、塑性区宽度等承载参数,验证了复合结构破坏失稳判别公式的准确性。
    Abstract: In order to study the stability of “filling body-coal pillar” composite structure in roadway backfilling mining, the bearing characteristics of composite structure are analyzed. The expressions of potential energy function of backfill bearing part and coal pillar bearing part of composite structure are established. Based on the catastrophe theories, the critical conditions for swallow tail mutation of potential energy are analyzed and the instability discrimination formula is given taking the width of plastic zone as the main index. The effects of mining parameters such as mining roadway width, coal seam buried depth and the number of mining phases on the stability of composite structure are studied. Using the numerical calculation method, combined with the engineering case of Wangtaipu Coal Mine, the bearing parameters such as the vertical stress distribution characteristics and the width of plastic zone of the composite structure are analyzed. The accuracy of the instability discrimination formula of the composite structure is verified.
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