基于Levenberg Marquardt反演的福建小煤矿底板富水性分析
Analysis on water-richness of small coal mine floor based on Levenberg Marquardt inversion in Fujian Province
摘要: 以福建黄土坑煤矿为研究对象,采用网络并行电法技术,从三维探测数据处理角度阐述了Levenberg Marquardt反演原理及模型构建,并通过引入光滑约束模型以及自适应调节阻尼因子实施电阻率数据反演,由此获取了该矿采煤工作面底板下不同深度探测异常区视电阻率空间分布情况。研究表明:探测区域存在6个相对低阻异常区且富水性强弱参半,其中Dz1、Dz2、Dz6较弱;Dz3、Dz4、Dz5较强,呈现出浅部较深部强、北强南弱的特征,与钻探验证结果吻合,可信度高。
- 小煤矿 /
- 底板富水性 /
- Levenberg Marquardt反演 /
- 网络并行电法 /
- 三维探测数据处理
Abstract: Taking Huangtukeng Coal Mine in Fujian Province as the research object, using network parallel electrical method technology, this paper expounds Levenberg Marquardt inversion principle and model construction from the perspective of three-dimensional detection data processing, and implements resistivity data inversion by introducing smooth constraint model and adaptive adjustment of damping factor, thus, the spatial distribution of apparent resistivity in different depth detection abnormal areas under the floor of the coal mining face are obtained. The results show that there are six relatively low resistivity anomaly areas in the detection area, and the water-richness is half strong and half weak, among which Dz1, Dz2 and Dz6 are weak; Dz3, Dz4 and Dz5 are strong, showing the characteristics of the water-richness of stronger in shallow than in deep, stronger in the north and weaker in the south, which is consistent with the drilling verification results and has high reliability. -
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