
    Development of data acquisition instrument for coal and gas outburst based on wireless communication

    • 摘要: 针对目前煤矿井下应用的钻屑瓦斯解吸指标K1值测定仪测定时间长、效率低的问题,以防治煤与瓦斯突出相关要求及K1值测定仪现场应用为基础,确定了解决打钻与K1值测量的衔接是提高预测效率的关键因素,据此设计并实现了一种煤基于无线通信的煤与瓦斯突出数据采集仪。围绕煤与瓦斯突出数据采集仪的研制,从整体设计思路、硬件电路框图、软件设计流程、本安手机专用APP操作流程及测试验证等方面进行了论述。实验数据及设计产品化表明:采用基于无线通信的1台本安手机对应连接多台采集仪的设计,可大幅提高预测效率。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problem of long measuring time and low efficiency of K1 value measuring instrument for drilling cuttings gas desorption index used in coal mine at present, based on the related requirements of prevention and control of coal and gas outburst and the field application of K1 value measurement instrument, it is determined that solving the connection between drilling and K1 value measurement is the key factor to improve the prediction efficiency. According to this, a coal seam gas outburst data acquisition instrument based on wireless communication is designed and implemented. Centering on the development of data acquisition instrument for coal seam gas outburst, this paper discusses the overall design idea, hardware circuit block diagram, software design process, operation process and test and verification of mobile phone special APP. The experimental data and design production show that the design of connecting multiple acquisition devices with one intrinsically safe mobile phone based on wireless communication can greatly improve the prediction efficiency.


