
    Deformation mechanism and rock burst prevention technology of service roadway under residual coal pillar

    • 摘要: 针对大面积遗留煤柱下伏煤层开采时出现的应力集中、巷道围岩变形、冲击破坏及支护困难等问题,采用理论分析和数值模拟对河北某矿上覆5煤层遗留煤柱扰动下8、9煤层应力分布规律及下伏巷道开挖稳定性进行了对比分析。研究表明:遗留煤柱承载上覆载荷后应力根据煤柱宽度由中部向两侧依次呈现出“双峰形”、“马鞍形”、“梯形”及“单峰形”分布形态,且在不规则部分应力集中程度更高,对底板煤层的扰动范围影响较大;遗留煤柱应力峰值最大值52 MPa,应力传递至下伏煤层达到44 MPa,为原始应力的2.2倍,服务巷道开挖后应力为37 MPa,是原始应力1.8倍,增加了巷道围岩破坏程度和冲击地压危险性。通过加强支护和巷道围岩卸压等方式对遗留煤柱下伏服务巷道进行围岩控制,以保证残留煤柱内服务巷道的安全稳定运行。


      Abstract: In view of stress concentration, roadway deformation, rock burst and difficult support in the mining of the underlying coal seam under the residual coal pillar, we uses theoretical analysis and numerical simulation to analyze the stress distribution law of 8# and 9# coal seams and the stability of roadway under the disturbance of residual coal pillar in overlying 5# coal seam in a mine of Hebei. The research shows that the stress of the residual coal pillar after bearing the load presents the shape of “double peak”, “saddle”, “trapezoid” and “single peak” from the middle according to the width of the coal pillar. The stress concentration is higher in the irregular part of coal pillar, which has a great influence on the disturbance range of floor coal seam. The peak stress of the residual coal pillar is 52 MPa, and the stress transmitted to the underlying coal seam reaches 44 MPa, which is 2.2 times of the original stress. After the excavation of the service roadway, the stress is 37 MPa, which is 1.8 times of the original stress. Finally, the roadway under the residual coal pillar is controlled by strengthening support and relieving pressure of surrounding rock, so as to ensure the safety and stability of the service roadway.


