
    High efficiency gas extraction technology of directional drilling hydraulic fracturing in stratified tectonic coal seams

    • 摘要: 为实现层状构造煤层瓦斯高效抽采,以榆树田煤矿为试验点,开展层状构造煤层定向钻孔水力压裂瓦斯高效抽采技术研究。针对榆树田煤矿下5煤层层状构造特征,经过充分分析将110503运输巷第2循环瓦斯抽采压裂钻孔布置于半暗型煤分层中,累计施工顺层钻孔5个,累计钻孔长度3 000 m,钻孔走向控制范围600 m,倾向控制范围为巷道上、下帮轮廓线外各15 m;钻孔累计压裂长度约2 500 m,累计注液量570 m3,各孔段起裂压力介于7.6~8.8 MPa,最大泵注压力介于11.9~13.8 MPa。研究结果表明:对于层状构造煤层而言,压裂钻孔布孔层位的不同直接影响着煤层整体压裂效果及瓦斯抽采效果,相比于110503运输巷第1循环定向压裂钻孔没有考虑层状构造布孔于煤厚1/2处半亮型煤分层中,此次第2循环定向压裂钻孔布孔于半暗型煤分层中钻场月平均瓦斯抽采体积分数提高4.3倍,月平均瓦斯抽采纯量提高3.2倍。


      Abstract: In order to achieve high-efficiency gas drainage in stratified tectonic coal seams, this paper takes Yushutian Coal Mine as the test point to carry out the research on high-efficiency gas drainage technology of directional drilling hydraulic fracturing in stratified tectonic coal seams. According to the stratified tectonic characteristics of the lower 5# coal seam in Yushutian Coal Mine, the second cycle gas drainage and fracturing boreholes of 110503 transportation roadway are arranged in the semi dark briquette stratification. A total of 5 bedding boreholes are constructed, the cumulative drilling length is 3 000 m, the drilling direction control range is 600 m, and the inclination control range is 15 m outside the contour lines of the upper and lower sides of the roadway; the cumulative fracturing length of the borehole is about 2 500 m, the cumulative liquid injection volume is 570 m3, the fracture initiation pressure of each hole section is 7.6-8.8 MPa, and the maximum pump injection pressure is 11.9-13.8 MPa. The research results show that compared with the first cycle directional fracturing borehole in 110503 transportation roadway without considering the stratified tectonic in the semi bright briquette layer at 1/2 of the coal thickness, the second cycle directional fracturing borehole is arranged in the semi dark briquette layer, the monthly average gas drainage concentration of the drilling yard is increased by 4.3 times, and the monthly average gas drainage purity is increased by 3.2 times.


