
    Safe mining technology in 22206 working face under water of Huoluowan Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 霍洛湾煤矿22206工作面赋存条件为浅埋深薄基岩煤层,地表与覆岩均富水,研究水体下安全开采技术对工作面安全开采具有重要意义。通过理论分析方法确定了工作面导水断裂带高度,分析了工作面水害特征,提出了地表水采用截导水技术、地下含水层水采用井下疏放水工程和留设防水煤岩柱防水技术的水害分源防治技术思路。开采实践表明:地表截导水工程成功截断了呼和乌素沟,将呼和乌素沟河水导出到研究区外,降低了呼和乌素沟水体对井下开采的威胁性;22206工作面涌水量随时间逐渐增长,增长幅度平稳,没有出现涌水量大幅增长的现象,后期工作面涌水量开始随时间逐渐减少。


      Abstract: The 22206 working face of Huoluowan Coal Mine is under shallow buried depth and thin bedrock coal seam. Both the surface and overlying rock are rich in water. The study of safe mining technology under water is of great significance to the safe mining of the working face. The paper determines the height of the water-conducting fissure zone of the working face through theoretical analysis methods, analyzes the characteristics of the working face water damage, and proposes the technical ideas of separate source prevention and control of water hazards: using water interception technology for surface water, underground water drainage engineering for underground aquifer water, and water-proof coal rock pillar waterproof technology. The mining practice shows that the surface water interception and diversion project successfully cut off Huhe Wusu Gully and exported Huhe Wusu Gully river water out of the study area, reducing the threat of Huhe Wusu Gully water body to underground mining; the water inrush of 22206 working face gradually increases with time, the growth range is stable, there is no large increase water inrush phenomenon, and the water inrush of later working face gradually decreases with time.


