
    Advanced fine detection technology of coal and gas outburst danger area

    • 摘要: 为实现煤与瓦斯突出的高效精准预测,针对煤与瓦斯突出的地质结构环境特征及现有突出预测指标体系存在的不足,采用钻孔雷达借助掘进工作面施工的区域预测钻孔,开展瓦斯地质异常体的超前精细探测。根据钻孔雷达单孔探测反射信号的时域剖面,分析其反射信号同相轴的畸变形态和缺失位置以及回波信号的双程走时,揭示出钻孔周围瓦斯地质异常体的类型、规模及距离等关键参数,实现煤与瓦斯突出危险区的精细探测。工程试验表明:在裂隙发育区,钻孔雷达信号反射强烈,且裂隙越发育,信号反射越强;在完整的多孔介质煤体内,存在微弱且稳定的反射信号;而在完整的致密均匀岩体内,反射信号非常微弱,几乎没有;另外,超前精细探测技术在首山一矿的现场应用准确揭示了掘进面前方介质分布的显著差异,结合煤层瓦斯参数随钻快速反演技术,实现了煤与瓦斯突出危险区的精准辨识。


      Abstract: According to the geological structure and environmental characteristics of coal and gas outburst and the shortcomings of existing outburst prediction index system, the borehole radar is used to carry out the advanced and fine detection of gas geological abnormal body with the help of the regional prediction boreholes constructed in the heading face, which is to achieve efficient and accurate prediction of coal and gas outburst. According to the time-domain profile of the reflected signal detected by single borehole of borehole radar, the distortion shape and missing position of the in-phase axis of reflected signal and the two-way travel time of the echo signal are analyzed, and the key parameters such as the type, scale and distance of the gas geological abnormal body around the borehole can be revealed, which is to realize the fine detection of the coal and gas outburst danger area. The engineering test shows that: in the fracture development area, the reflection signal of borehole radar is strong; the more developed the fracture is, the stronger the reflection signal is; in the complete porous medium coal body, there is weak and stable reflection signal, while in the complete dense and homogeneous rock body, the reflection signal is very weak, almost no signal; in addition, the field application of the advanced fine detection technology in Shoushan No.1 mine accurately revealed the significant difference in the medium distribution in front of heading face. Combined with the rapid inversion technology of coal seam gas parameters while drilling, they realize the accurate identification of coal and gas outburst danger areas.


