
    Simulation of micromechanical characteristics of coal seam grouting based on particle flow method

    • 摘要: 注浆法是松软煤巷加固的常用方法之一,通过颗粒流模拟方法,对煤层的注浆过程进行了细观模拟研究,探究了不同煤体强度及注浆压力下的注浆效果,获取了浆液在煤层中的扩散形态。结果表明:煤层注浆经历“渗透-快速劈裂-缓慢劈裂-稳定”阶段,注浆过程中裂隙的扩展主要由裂隙尖端拉应力引起,在浆液压力作用下,裂隙尖端形成拉应力集中,达到启劈压力时浆液劈裂煤层;注浆压力及煤体强度对注浆效果均具有较大影响,注浆压力的增长对浆液扩散半径影响程度逐渐减小;煤体抗压强度越小,注浆扩散半径越大,裂隙发育越充分。


      Abstract: Grouting method is one of the commonly used methods for soft roadway reinforcement. Through the discrete element simulation method, the grouting process of coal seam was studied, and the grouting effect under different coal strength and grouting pressure was explored, and the diffusion form of the slurry in the coal seam was obtained. The results show that: the coal seam grouting goes through the stage of “permeation-rapid splitting-slow splitting-stability”. The crack expansion in the grouting process is mainly caused by the tensile stress at the crack tip. Under the action of slurry pressure, the tensile stress concentration is formed at the crack tip, and the slurry splits the coal seam when the starting pressure is reached. Grouting pressure and coal strength have great influence on grouting effect, and the influence of grouting pressure on slurry diffusion radius decreases gradually. The smaller the compressive strength of coal is, the larger the grouting diffusion radius is, and the more fully developed the fracture is.


