
    Micro-Raman structural responses of nano-mechanical properties of different coal grades

    • 摘要: 煤的力学性质具有非均质性及多尺度效应,从纳米尺度认识煤力学性质及与其组成结构之间的关系,是理解煤储层的压裂改造机制及裂纹扩展机理的关键。利用原子力显微镜和显微拉曼对不同煤级煤的镜质组进行测试,获得煤样的力学和结构参数。结果表明:镜质组的弹性模量E在0.66~7.58 GPa之间,且弹性模量随镜质组最大反射率Ro的增加而增加;同时随着Ro的增大,拉曼结构参数呈现有规律的变化;将弹性模量E与拉曼结构参数建立关系,发现(G-D)峰位差、多环芳烃的相对含量与致弹性模量均呈现明显的正相关关系,FWHM-G与E呈现负相关关系,反映了结构有序度的增加会导致弹性模量增大,表明随着成熟度的增加,促使大分子结构排列紧密且分子间作用力增大,导致弹性模量也随之增大。


      Abstract: The mechanical properties of coal are heterogeneous and in multi-scale. Understanding the coal mechanical properties and structure in nano-scale is the key to know the fracturing transformation and crack expansion mechanisms of coal reservoirs. AFM and micro-Raman were used to obtain the mechanical and molecular structure parameters of the coal samples. The results showed that the elastic modulus of vitrinite ranged from 0.66 GPa to 7.58 GPa, and the elastic modulus increased with the increase of the maximum reflectance Ro of vitrinite. It is shown that with the increase of Ro, the Raman structure parameters change regularly. The relationship between elastic modulus E and Raman structural parameters was established. It was found that the peak difference(G-D) and the relative content of PAHs were positively correlated with the induced elastic modulus. There is a negative correlation between FWHM-G and E, which reflects that the increase of structural order will lead to the increase of elastic modulus, indicating that with the increase of maturity, the structure of macromolecules will be closely arranged and the intermolecular force will increase, leading to the increase of elastic modulus.


