
    Application of three kinds of power source emergency local fan in mine heading face

    • 摘要: 为防止煤矿掘进工作面因局部通风机停风,引发工作面瓦斯超限事故的发生,在掘进工作面局部通风机原有“双风机、双电源”基础上,从提高风机供电可靠性角度出发,根据各矿的实际情况,在不同的煤矿,分别设计采用了3种不同方式的应急局部通风机动力源装置,确保掘进工作面局部通风安全可靠;详细介绍了3种动力源装置的设备布置、工作原理、运行方式及应用效果。


      Abstract: In order to prevent the occurrence of gas over-limit accident in coal mine heading face due to local fan stopping, on the basis of the original “double fans and double power supply” of local fan in heading face, from the point of view of improving the reliability of fan power supply, according to the actual situation of each mine, three kinds of emergency local fan power source devices are designed in different coal mines, to ensure the safety and reliability of local ventilation in heading face. The equipment layout, working principle, operation mode and application effect of three power source devices are introduced in detail.


