
    Improving communication efficiency of RS485 bus based on group call and queue response strategy

    • 摘要: 针对提高RS485总线通信效率的问题,分析了提高波特率、控制收发控时序、多主通信和软件改善通信策略4方面措施的优劣势,提出了一种RS485总线通信群呼和队列应答策略;该策略是一种总线通信软件策略,不改变任何硬件,利用群呼和顺序应答减少主机呼叫次数,设置优先队列减少从机响应时间,利用简化编码减少信息无变化的数据帧长度进一步缩短轮询周期,大幅度提高通信效率。通过分站和传感器之间RS485通信试验,和传统方式相比大大缩短轮询周期和传感器传递紧急信息时的响应时间。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problem of improving the communication efficiency of RS485 bus, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of four measures: increasing baud rate, controlling transceiver control timing, multi-master communication and software improvement communication strategy, and proposes a strategy of group call and queue response for RS485 bus communication. This strategy is a bus communication software strategy, which does not change any hardware, uses group call and sequential response to reduce the number of host calls, sets priority queue to reduce the slave response time, uses simplified coding to reduce the data frame length without changing information, further shortens the polling cycle and greatly improves the communication efficiency. Through the RS485 communication test between substation and sensors, compared with the traditional method, the polling cycle and the response time of sensor transmitting emergency information are greatly shortened.


