
    Architecture and key technology of coal mine artificial intelligence video analysis system

    • 摘要: 在煤矿智能化建设的大背景下,以视频感知为基础,以网络、信息技术为媒介,以人工智能、大数据为技术支撑,构建全矿井人工智能AI平台架构体系;结合煤矿的实际情况,挖掘分析真实的应用场景,针对煤矿设备状态、人员行为、环境变化进行智能感知、深度学习与智能分析,来实现智能报警与控制。论述了煤矿人工智能视频分析系统总体架构,介绍了构建系统所采用的人工智能、机器学习、深度学习等关键技术,从模型训练、数据分析与传输、智能控制、AI监控平台几个方面详细说明了系统的设计。


      Abstract: Under the background of intelligent construction of coal mine, this paper studies and discusses the construction of AI platform architecture system of the whole coal mine based on video perception, network and information technology as the media, artificial intelligence and big data as the technical support; according to the actual situation of coal mine, the real application scenario is mined and analyzed; the paper carries on research on intelligent sensing, deep learning and intelligent analysis for coal mine equipment status, personnel behavior and environmental changes to realize intelligent alarm and control; the paper researches and analyzes relevant key technologies such as artificial intelligence and deep learning.


