
    Influence of job satisfaction of new generation miners on safety performance

    • 摘要: 为有效发挥新生代矿工群体在煤矿企业安全管理中的积极作用,基于行为动机理论与社会交换理论,构建新生代矿工工作满意度、主观幸福感、工作投入和安全绩效的结构方程模型;分别运用层次回归法和Bootstrap法,对256份新生代矿工样本数据进行直接效应和中介效应检验。结果表明:新生代矿工工作满意度、主观幸福感、工作投入和安全绩效两两显著正相关;工作满意度可通过主观幸福感、工作投入的独立中介作用以及二者的链式中介作用两条路径间接影响安全绩效。


      Abstract: In order to effectively play the positive role of the new generation of miners in the safety management of coal mining enterprises, based on the behavioral motivation theory and social exchange theory, we construct the structural equation model of job satisfaction, subjective well-being, job involvement and safety performance of the new generation of miners. Hierarchical regression and Bootstrap method were used to test the direct effect and mediation effect of 256 samples data of new generation miners. The results show that the job satisfaction, subjective well-being, job involvement and safety performance of the new generation of miners are positively correlated; job satisfaction can indirectly affect safety performance through two paths: the independent mediating role of subjective well-being, job involvement and the chain mediating role of them.


