
    Experimental study on seepage characteristics and permeability of fractured rock mass in goaf

    • 摘要: 为了探索采空区裂隙岩体内地下水的渗流特征,确定裂隙岩体的渗透系数值,为定量研究含水层受开采影响评价提供参考;采用相似材料模型试验与渗流试验方法,基于采空区的裂隙发育情况与分布特征,对裂隙岩体的渗流特征以及不同裂隙率采动岩体的渗透性能进行了研究。结果表明:采空区裂隙岩体内的地下水流呈非线性渗流特征,水流特征与渗透性能明显受岩体裂隙率影响;裂隙岩体的水平渗透系数与垂向渗透系数均与裂隙率呈正相关关系,渗透性能随裂隙率的增大分为缓增区与激增区2段;采空区裂隙岩体的垂向渗透系数介于0.067~0.649 cm/s之间,水平渗透系数介于0.744~6.847 cm/s之间,较煤层开采前扩大了2~4个数量级。


      Abstract: In order to obtain the flow behavior of the mining-induced fractured rock mass, and to confirm the values of hydraulic conductivity of the fractured rock, which could provide a reference for mining impact assessment, two methods that the similarity material model experiment and seepage experiment were adopted in the study, and then, the fracture developmental state and distribution characteristics have been studied. From this, the study on seepage characteristic and the permeability of fractured rock mass with various fracture ratios in gob were conducted. The experiment and research results show that the groundwater flow with high-speed in the fractured strata presents nonlinear characteristics, and the flow regime and the permeability of fractured rock are obviously affected by the fracture rate of permeable media. In general, the permeability of fractured rock mass increases with the growth of the fracture ratio, and the permeability can be divided into two sections: the slowly increasing section and the dramatic increasing section. The vertical hydraulic conductivity of mining-induced fractured rock mass is between 0.067 cm/s and 0.649 cm/s, and the horizontal hydraulic conductivity is between 0.744 cm/s and 6.847 cm/s. The hydraulic conductivity of fractured rock mass is 2 to 4 orders of magnitude larger than that before coal mining.


