
    Cause Analysis and Control Measures of Gas Deflagration Among the Supports in Fully-mechanized Coal Face

    • 摘要: 介绍了综采工作面支架之间发生喷火现象,结合工作面情况和喷火迹象分析,初步认为工作面采空区遗煤氧化产生高温,遇高浓度瓦斯发生爆燃,火焰沿采空区冒落的岩石裂缝传播至工作面,导致了架间喷火现象;通过采取运输机巷、工作面高位钻孔注水等综合治理措施,实现了工作面安全回撤。


      Abstract: This paper introduces the phenomenon of spraying fire among the supports in fully mechanized coal face, analyzes this phenomenon combining with the situation in face and spraying fire signs, and preliminary considers that the residual coal in working face goaf generates high-temperature by oxidizing, explosion will be occurred when it encounters high concentration gas. The flame spreads over rock fissures in goaf to the work face, and leads to phenomenon of spraying fire among the supports. Through the adoption of the comprehensive management measures, such as transportation roadway and working face high drilling water injection, safe retracement in the working face is achieved.


