
    Research on influence of mindfulness on miners’ safety behavior

    • 摘要: 为了探究正念在工作场所对矿工安全行为的影响,引入自我控制与风险感知作为中介变量,对来自于山西省煤矿企业的343份有效问卷进行实证分析。运用AMOS24.0软件建立模型,探究正念对矿工安全行为的影响路径。研究结果表明,正念对矿工安全行为有显著正向影响,其中觉知地行动维度对矿工安全行为的直接影响最为明显,其次是描述维度,观察维度的影响最小;自我控制与风险感知在正念对矿工安全行为影响路径中发挥了双重中介效应。


      Abstract: In order to explore the impact of mindfulness on the safety behavior of miners in the workplace, self-control and risk perception are introduced as intermediary variables to conduct empirical analysis on 343 valid questionnaires from coal mining enterprises in Shanxi Province. Use AMOS24.0 software to build a model to explore the influence path of mindfulness on the safety behavior of miners. The research results show that mindfulness has a significant positive impact on the safety behavior of miners. Among them, the dimension of perceptual action has the most obvious direct impact on the safety behavior of miners, followed by the dimension of description, and the dimension of observation has the least impact; self-control and risk perception played a dual mediating effect on the path of mindfulness influencing miners’ safety behavior.


