
    Reasonable width of coal pillar and asymmetric support technology in gob-side entry

    • 摘要: 以昌恒煤矿9102工作面窄煤柱沿空掘巷为工程背景,综合窄煤柱稳定性尖点突变理论计算结果、数值模拟结果和煤柱支承压力现场实测结果,综合确定9102窄煤柱合理宽度为9 m,得出锚索桁架非对称控制技术能够有效控制沿空掘巷顶板非对称变形破坏。现场宏观矿压观测结果表明,顶板、煤柱帮和实体煤帮位移量在工作面回采期间变形量较小,巷道控制效果良好,回采安全得到有效保障。


      Abstract: Taking 9102 working face of Changheng Coal Mine as the engineering background, the reasonable width of 9102 narrow coal pillar is determined to be 9 m by integrating the theoretical calculation results, numerical simulation results and the field measurement results of pillar supporting pressure; the asymmetric control technology of anchor truss can effectively control the asymmetric deformation and damage of roof in gob-side entry driving. The field macroscopic ground pressure observation results show that the displacement of roof, pillar side and solid coal side is less deformed during mining, the roadway control effect is good, and the mining safety is effectively guaranteed.


