
    Application of Fire Prevention and Extinguishing Technology in Fully Mechanized Caving Face

    • 摘要: 铁煤集团大兴矿N2706综放工作面为高瓦斯、厚煤层、易自燃工作面,煤层之中还有火成岩侵入。与之相邻的N2702、N2703工作面回采过程中相继因自然发火而封闭工作面。N2706综放工作面在回采过程中,通过分析自然发火原因,利用采空区风火瓦斯耦合仿真软件横三区、纵三带划分,采取以注氮为主、注砂、封堵、注水为辅的综合防灭火措施,有效地控制了煤的自然发火,保证了煤矿安全生产。


      Abstract: N2706 fully mechanized caving face of Daxing Coal Mine of Tiefa Coal Industry Group had following characteristics: high gas, thick coal seam, easily spontaneous combustion, and igneous rock invasion. Its adjacent working faces N2702, N2703 were all sealed due to spontaneous combustion problems during the mining. In the process of mining in N2706 fully mechanized caving face, through analyzing the reasons for spontaneous combustion, it used the simulation software of gas, fire and air convergence theory to classify the “three zones” in horizontal direction, and the “three areas” in vertical direction, and adopted the comprehensive fire prevention and extinguishing measurements, which mainly included nitrogen injection, combined with sand injection, plugging and water injection as assistant methods. These measurements effectively controlled the coal spontaneous combustion, which ensured mine safety production.


