Application of evidence-based safety management in coal mine gas explosion accidents
摘要: 为了实现安全决策从经验驱动到数据量化驱动的转变,增强安全管理的针对性与有效性,引入循证安全管理方法,提出了最佳安全证据优化的煤矿瓦斯治理模式,构建了瓦斯爆炸事故循证安全管理体系,并选择瓦斯爆炸事故的时间数据为研究角度,通过分析获取时间相关的最佳安全证据,给出了基于最佳安全证据的安全决策。结果表明:循证安全管理应用于具体生产领域可有效优化现行的安全管理模式,提高安全决策的针对性,弥补安全对策过于笼统、灾害防治效率不高的缺陷。研究是循证安全理论在实践层面的首次尝试,亦为循证安全管理学的研究、实践与发展提供了可行的思路。Abstract: In order to realize the transition of safety decision from experience-driven to data-driven and improve the effectiveness of safety management, the connotation of best safety evidence was discussed based on evidence-based safety(EBS) management theory,and a safety management mode optimized by best safety evidence was proposed. On this basis, EBS management system of gas explosion accidents was established, and the safety decision based on best safety evidence was proposed by taking time data of gas explosion accidents as the research object. The results show that the application of EBS management in production field can optimize the current safety management mode, bridge the gap between safety research and safety practice, and improve the pertinence of safety decision. This study was the first attempt of EBS theory in specific production field, which also provides feasible ideas for the research, practice and development of EBS management.