
    Analysis of surrounding rock damage law of TBM tunneling roadway in coal mine jointed strata

    • 摘要: 为研究煤矿节理地层TBM掘进巷道围岩损伤规律和特征,以张集煤矿1413A综采工作面瓦斯抽采巷道为工程背景,根据工程现场岩性条件、节理发育特征和地应力场条件,使用UDEC离散单元法数值模拟软件,建立巷道数值模型,研究了煤矿节理地层巷道在TBM掘进扰动条件下围岩损伤破坏规律。结果表明:围岩节理、裂隙分布特征是影响巷道围岩损伤特性的主要因素;节理交错贯通区域尤易出现围岩的宏观损伤和断裂;施工时应重点支护顶板,防止冒顶事故的发生。工程现场监测与数值计算结果一致性较好,所采用的研究手段能够反映工程现场的实际情况。


      Abstract: In order to research surrounding rocks failure characters and behaviors of TBM tunneling roadway in jointed strata, the paper takes methane drainage roadway of 1413A fully mechanized coal face in Zhangji Coal Mine as engineering case, the surrounding rocks failure characters and behaviors under TBM tunneling condition was studied by establishing UDEC discrete element method numerical model according to the site lithological conditions, joint development characteristics and geo-stress field conditions. The research results show that: joints and fracture distribution characters are main influential elements of roadway surrounding rock failure; damage and failure of rocks are prone to happen on the cross area of joints; in engineering practices, roof support and collapse prevention should be taken as the first priority. In-situ monitoring results are in good agreements with simulation results and the adopted research methodology are able to represent the in-situ conditions.


