
    Temperature distribution and rise law of low metamorphic steady coal in fully mechanized caving face

    • 摘要: 为了探究现场实际煤温分布及发展趋势,以大南湖一矿1305工作面回撤时期低变质稳态煤作为研究对象,采用红外热成像仪对回撤时期工作面温度数据进行全程采集,运用Origin数据分析软件分析工作面温度分布情况及其温升规律。分析结果表明:在采空区表面煤体采取全断面喷浆封堵等防灭火技术措施后,液压支架顶部至后部掩护梁位置的煤体自燃风险较高,且初始温度较高的位置较为集中在工作面中下方;总体上,液压支架附近及采空区表面煤体呈0.5~1 ℃/2 d的趋势增长;回撤时期,受通风、回撤进度和防灭火技术措施等因素的影响,各区域煤体在初始温度的基础上呈缓慢上升趋势,工作面未出现遗煤自燃的情况。


      Abstract: In order to investigate the actual coal temperature distribution and development trend at the site, take the low metamorphic steady state coal at the 1305 working face of Dananhu No.1 mine during the equipment withdrawal period as the research object, and the infrared thermal imager is used to collect the entire working face temperature data. Origin data analysis software was used to analyze the temperature distribution of working face and its temperature rise law. The results show that after taking anti-fire measures such as the goaf surface coal full-section shotcrete plugging, the coal from roof beam to shield beam of the hydraulic support has a higher risk of spontaneous combustion, and the position with higher initial temperature is concentrated in the lower part of the working face. In general, the coals near the hydraulic support and the goaf surface has a trend of 0.5 ℃ to 1 ℃ increase every 2 days. During the equipment withdrawal period, affected by factors such as ventilation, recycling progress, and fire prevention technical measures, the coals in various regions show slowly rising trend based on the initial temperature, and no residual coal spontaneous combustion occurs in the working face.


