• 中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • RCCSE中国核心学术期刊


陈清华, 陈文涛, 秦汝祥, 高 伟, 徐同震, 刘雅瑞

陈清华, 陈文涛, 秦汝祥, 高 伟, 徐同震, 刘雅瑞. 煤自燃热空气环境模拟系统[J]. 煤矿安全, 2020, 51(10): 253-256.
引用本文: 陈清华, 陈文涛, 秦汝祥, 高 伟, 徐同震, 刘雅瑞. 煤自燃热空气环境模拟系统[J]. 煤矿安全, 2020, 51(10): 253-256.
CHEN Qinghua, CHEN Wentao, QIN Ruxiang, GAO Wei, XU Tongzhen, LIU Yarui. Thermal Air Environment Simulation System for Spontaneous Combustion of Coal[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2020, 51(10): 253-256.
Citation: CHEN Qinghua, CHEN Wentao, QIN Ruxiang, GAO Wei, XU Tongzhen, LIU Yarui. Thermal Air Environment Simulation System for Spontaneous Combustion of Coal[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2020, 51(10): 253-256.


Thermal Air Environment Simulation System for Spontaneous Combustion of Coal

  • 摘要: 将空气加热技术应用到环境模拟领域,模拟松散煤体堆积时外部环境温度不同时煤的氧化情况,研制高温空气加热器,通过将被高温油浴加热到不同温度的空气送至环境模拟箱,进而对煤实际堆放环境进行模拟。详细阐述加热器的工作流程以及功能,计算加热器中所用螺旋盘管的具体尺寸,并通过实际试验对该设备加热效率等进行确定。结果表明:选择垂直螺旋盘管换热器,实际盘管圈数为3圈,长度为2.198 1 m;通过高温油浴对盘管内的空气进行加热,该加热器的控温精度在±1 ℃,实际空气加热效率较高,并随着流速增加而不断增加。
    Abstract: The air heating technology is applied to the field of environmental simulation to simulate the oxidation of coal when the external environment temperature is different and the loose coal is piled up. The high temperature air heater was developed, and the actual stacking environment of coal was simulated by sending the air heated to different temperatures by high temperature oil bath to the environmental simulation box. The working process and functions of the heater are described in detail, the specific size of the spiral coil used in the heater is calculated, and the heating efficiency of the equipment is determined through practical tests. The results show that the actual coil number is 3 and the length is 2.198 1 m when the vertical spiral coil heat exchanger is selected. The air in the coil is heated by high temperature oil bath. The temperature control accuracy of the heater is ±1 ℃. The actual air heating efficiency is relatively high, and increases with the increase of flow rate.
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    2. 马艳卫. 基于逻辑控制的井下车辆工作机构液压系统设计. 煤炭技术. 2021(10): 218-220 . 百度学术


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  • 发布日期:  2020-10-19


