
    Measurement and Analysis on Critical Surface Tension of Coal

    • 摘要: 临界表面张力是反映固体表面润湿性能的一个重要常数。利用自制的成型模具压制煤样试片,配制不同浓度(不同表面张力)的JFC溶液,利用FTA200表面张力仪及接触角仪测定了煤水接触角,获得了4组煤样的临界表面张力。结果表明:煤的临界表面张力为20.94~28.59 mN.m-1,属于低能固体表面;在实际煤层注水过程中,普通矿井水表面张力大于煤的临界表面张力,煤体润湿效果差;在注入水中添加表面活性剂,将水的表面张力降低至煤的临界表面张力以下,煤体能够被充分润湿,取得良好的降尘效果。


      Abstract: Critical surface tension is a significant parameter to reflect the wetting property of solid surface. It prepares the JFC solutions at different concentration (different surface tension) by using the specimens of coal sample which are compacted by self-designed shaping mould. The critical surface tension of four coal samples is obtained from coal-water contact angle test by FTA200 surface tension analyzer and contact angle analyzer. The results show that the critical surface tension of coal ranges from 20.94 to 28.59 mN·m-1,coal belongs to low-energy solid surface; In the process of water injection for the practical coal, the surface tension of the common water in coal mines is greater than coal's, which leads to poor wetting effect of coal; When the surfactant is put into the injection water, the surface tension of water can decrease to less than coal's critical surface tension, and the coal can be full wetting, which gets good dust suppression effect.


