Study on Assessment of Safe Behaviors in Shanxi Coal Enterprises
摘要: 以山西某煤矿为研究对象,通过资料搜集整理、问卷调查和深度访谈方法辨识该企业人的不安全行为情况,并利用风险矩阵方法与模型评估方法,评价企业行为安全现状水平,得出的主要结果如下:共发现煤矿企业的不安全行为总数为842种,其中选煤厂、运输队和风井管理部3个部门的不安全行为数量最多,分别占该煤矿不安全行为总数的23.3%、9.7%和9.3%;风险指数为高的不安全行为总数为172种,占所有不安全行为总数的14.5%。其中,选煤厂、综掘一队和井下机电队3个部门高风险不安全行为的数量最多,维修钳工、矿山救护员、钻机司机3个工种高风险不安全行为的数量最多;对“遵章守纪可以杜绝事故”的认同度低、不能有效开展行为矫正活动和安全管理人员安全绩效考核欠规范等是该煤矿企业出现人的不安全行为的10项主要原因;并提出了减少企业不安全行为的4项具体措施。Abstract: Taking a coal mine in Shanxi Province as the target, unsafe behaviors were identified by data collection and arrangement, questionnaire and deep interview, and then the safety status levels were evaluated by risk-matrix method and model evaluation method. The main results were as follows: the 842 unsafe behaviors were found in this coal mine. Among them, the amount of coal preparation plant, belt team and airshaft management department were the most, with their ratios in the total amount of unsafe behaviors in this coal mine being as 23.3%, 9.7% and 9.3%, respectively; the species of high-risk-level unsafe behaviors were 172, taking up 14.5% of total amount of unsafe behaviors in this mine. Among which, the amount of high-risk-level unsafe behaviors in coal preparation plant, 1# comprehensive tunneling team and underground electromechanical team were the most, and the amount of high-risk-level unsafe behaviors for maintenance facility fitter, mine-rescue-member and rig drivers were the most; the low level of identification degree for “strict management and discipline could put an end to accident”, ineffective conduction of behavior-correction-activities, non-standardized safety performance examine and other reasons were the 10 main reasons for unsafe behaviors in this coal mine; four concrete measures were finally proposed for the reduction of unsafe behaviors in this coal mine.
- coal mine /
- safety management /
- unsafe behavior /
- risk evaluation /
- countermeasures
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