
    Optimization and Improvement of Dust Removal System of Continuous Shearer in Daliuta Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 针对现有连续采煤机除尘系统无法解决神东大柳塔煤矿掘进工作面作业时粉尘超限问题,指出了现有连续采煤机除尘系统外喷雾难以雾化、除尘风量小和吸风口布局不合理的设计缺陷,提出了改进方案,设计了适合神东大柳塔煤矿掘进工作面的连续采煤机除尘系统,使掘进工作面煤机司机作业点的总尘和呼吸性粉尘浓度相较改进前分别提高了83.19%和67.23%。


      Abstract: In view of the fact that the existing continuous coal mining machine dust removal system can not solve the problem of dust overrun during the operation of the driving face of Shendong Daliuta Coal Mine, we point out the design defects of the existing continuous coal mining machine de-dusting system, such as the difficulty in atomizing the external spray, the small dusting air volume and the unreasonable layout of the suction outlet, and propose improvement schemes and design a set of continuous coal mining dust removal system suitable for the excavation face of Shendong Daliuta Coal Mine. The concentration of total dust and respirable dust at the working point of the coal machine driver at the heading face increased by 83.19% and 67.23% respectively compared with that before the improvement.


