
    Evaluation on Intervention Effect of Knowledge, Belief and Practice Mode in Dust Control for Coal Miners in Inner Mongolia

    • 摘要: 为降低矿工罹患尘肺病的可能,以内蒙古某煤矿矿工为研究对象,在职业病与粉尘防治相关知识、粉尘防治的态度及行为(知、信、行)等方面对其进行问卷调查,并采取发放宣传单、开展讲座、知识竞赛等措施对矿工粉尘防治“知、信、行”模式进行干预,对比分析干预前后的数据发现,干预后矿工对职业病及粉尘防治相关知识的知晓率均提高10%以上,矿工粉尘防治态度与行为显著改善。研究表明,采取针对性措施对矿工粉尘防治“知、信、行”模式进行干预能有效提高矿工自我防护意识。


      Abstract: In order to reduce the possibility of miners suffering from pneumoconiosis, the miners in a coalmine in Inner Mongolia were selected as a research object. The miners were surveyed on occupational diseases and knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of dust control. Measures such as issuing leaflets, conducting lectures and knowledge contests were taken to intervene in the knowledge, belief and practice mode of miners’ dust control. The data analysis before and after the intervention showed that the miners’ awareness of occupational diseases and dust control knowledge was increased by more than 10%, the attitude and behavior of miners’ dust control have improved significantly. Studies have shown that taking targeted measures to intervene in the knowledge, belief and practice mode of miners’ dust control can effectively improve the miners’ self-protection awareness.


