Influencing Factors and Prevention System of Rock Burst in Baodian Protective Layer Mining
摘要: 山东鲍店煤矿103下06工作面顶板复杂且具有冲击危险,不利于工作面的正常生产。针对103下06工作面的冲击问题,首先分析了自然因素和技术因素对冲击地压的影响,得出工作面顶板及3上采空区覆岩再运动是103下06工作面的冲击诱因。然后利用PFC模拟了上覆岩层运移对冲击地压具体的影响机制,模拟结果表明,3上煤层与3下煤层开采结束后,层间岩体被破坏程度较高,存储的大量弹性能得到释放;而3上煤层上部17.21 m的中砂岩和11.45 m粉砂未实现垮落,3上采空区岩层的再运动给下一步推进埋下了安全隐患。最后基于103下06工作面冲击诱发机制,建立了对应的危险防治体系。Abstract: Under the complex roof condition, the 103-06 lower working face of Baodian Coal Mine has the risk of rock burst, which is prejudicial to the normal production. Aiming at the impact problem of the 103-06 lower working face, the influence of natural factors and technical factors on the rock burst is analyzed at first, and it is concluded that the re-movement of roof and the overburden rock in the upper goaf are the main inducing factors. Then, PFC is used to simulate the specific impact mechanism of overburden strata migration on rock burst. The simulation results show that after the mining of upper and lower coal seams are completed, the interlayer rock mass is damaged to a high degree, and a large amount of accumulated elastic energy can be released. However, the mid-sandstone (17.21 m) and siltstone (11.45 m) in the upper coal seam have not been collapsed, and the re-movement of the strata in the upper goaf has laid a safety hazard for the next extraction. Finally, based on the impact-induced mechanism of the working face lower 103-06, the corresponding risk prevention and control system is established.