Experiments and Practices on Softening Clay Clogging in Grouting Pipelines of Coal Mine
摘要: 为了解决煤矿黏土注浆管路淤堵问题,开展黏土注浆管路淤堵软化实验和应用研究。在黏土注浆管路淤堵特征剖析的基础上,通过软化剂作用下黏土崩解实验开展相关研究。结果表明:强氧化类的软化剂与黏土试样反应最为激烈,碱性软化剂与黏土试样反应最慢,酸性软化剂与黏土试样反应速度适中。以0.1 mol/L氨基磺酸溶液或0.25 mol/L醋酸溶液作为黏土淤堵软化剂最优。实践证明,采用管路涂抹环氧树脂,重点部位压力监测,淤堵管路浸泡软化剂等手段可以有效防治黏土灌浆管路淤堵问题。Abstract: To prevent and cure clay clogging in grouting pipelines of coal mine water control, experiments and practices on softening clay clogging in grouting pipelines of coal mining were studied. The clogging characteristics of clay grouting pipelines had been analyzed. A group of disintegration tests under different clay softeners as well as the mechanisms had been studied. The results show that chemical reaction of strong oxidizer is the most intense, acidic softener the second, and alkaline softener is the weakest. The 0.1 mol/L amino sulfonic acid solution or 0.25 mol/L acetic acid solution is best softener. Coal mine practice has effectively prevented clay grouting pipeline clogging by applying epoxy resin, monitoring the pressure of key parts and putting softener into the clogging parts.