
    Application of Slip Socket in Drilling Accident Treatment of Underground Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 针对常规打捞工艺采用的公、母丝锥在处理孔内断钻事故时存在的造扣困难、丝扣连接强度低的缺点,从提高打捞工具与待打捞钻具之间的连接强度出发,引进卡瓦打捞筒处理煤矿井下断钻事故,创新了煤矿井下打捞工艺。通过现场试验,成功处理了3次钻杆断裂事故,表明了将卡瓦打捞筒应用于煤矿井下断钻事故处理,能够提高打捞成功率。指出了使用注意事项,为处理相似钻具断裂事故提供经验。


      Abstract: For dealing with the drilling accident, the male and female taps are used in the conventional fishing technique, but it is difficult to make the thread and the taps have low connection strength. From the aspects of improving the connection strength between fishing tools and drilling pipes, the slip socket is innovatively used to deal with drilling accidents in underground coal mine. Through the field tests, three drilling accidents have been successfully dealt with. The results show that slip socket can improve fishing success rate by solving drill pipe fracture accidents. The points for attention are pointed out to provide the experience for dealing with similar accidents


