
    Roof Water Pre-discharge Feasibility and Standard of Deep Buried Coal Seam Working Face in Mengshan Mining Area

    • 摘要: 在分析蒙陕矿区深埋煤田区地貌特征、水文地质条件、工作面钻孔涌水和采空区涌水特征等基础上,开展了顶板水可疏降性和预疏放标准研究,结果表明:研究区包括基岩台地、沙地、黄土沟壑3类地貌,其中沙地区第四系富水性强,煤层顶板含水层丰富的充水水源,导致直罗组一段渗透系数和单位涌水量均远大于基岩台地区和黄土沟壑区。不同矿井首采工作面探放水钻孔初始水量和累计放水量分为3类,水量较小矿井,初始水量q0≤10.0 m3/h,累计疏放水量<5.0×104 m3;水量中等矿井,初始水量q0≤60.0 m3/h,累计疏放水量10.0~100.0×104 m3;水量较大矿井,大部分钻孔的初始水量q0>100.0 m3/h,累计预疏放水量>100.0×104 m3;所有矿井首采工作面经预疏放后,可以实现绝大部分钻孔水量<10.0 m3/h、水压<1.2 MPa,具有很好的疏降性。根据矿井水的顶板水疏放过程中水量和水压变化规律,建立了工作面预疏放标准,q0=0~10.0 m3/h的矿井,不需要开展预疏放;q0=0~60.0 m3/h的矿井,对钻孔初始水量>20.0 m3/h的富水条带开展预疏放;q0>60.0 m3/h的矿井,以600.0~1 000.0 m为工作面回采段,提前 3 个月进行顶板水预疏放,实现回采前 90% 钻孔水量≤10.0 m3/h、水压≤1.2 MPa。


      Abstract: Based on the research of landforms, hydrogeological conditions, roof hole water outflow of working face and goaf water outflow in deep buried coal seam area of Ordos basin, we constructed a working face roof water pre-drainage standard. The results showed that there were three type landforms (i.e. bedrock platform, sand and loess hill). The Quaternary water abundant in sand area was better than that in bedrock platform area and loess hill area, and the Quaternary aquifer was abundant water resource for the first section of Zhiluo formation. All coal mines could be divided three types according to initial water quantity and accumulative amount of water pre-discharge of working face roof borehole. Working face roof borehole outflow was small in Hongqinghe Mine and Weiqiang Mine (q0≤10.0 m3/h, Q<5.0×104 m3), and the outflow was medium in Hulusu Mine, Bayangaole Mine and Yingpanhao Mine (q0≤60.0 m3/h, Q=10.0×104 m3 to 100.0×104 m3). In addition, the outflow was large in Menkeqing Mine, Muduchaideng Mine and No.2 Nalinhe Mine(q0>100.0 m3/h, Q>100.0×104 m3).So we constructed a working face roof water pre-drainage standard. Working face did not need to carry out roof water pre-drainage when q0=0 to 10.0 m3/h, and water-bearing roof strips (q0>20 m3/h) should carry out water pre-drainage for the mines with q0=0 to 60.0 m3/h. But when q0>60.0 m3/h, roof water pre drainage had to be carried out for 600 m to 1 000 m working face phased and three months ahead. The final requirements were q1≤10.0 m3/h and p1≤1.2 MPa with 90% boreholes.


