
    Research on Centralized Cooling System in Xiaoyun Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 为彻底解决霄云煤矿井下热害问题,建立了井下集中降温系统,设计选用2套矿用防爆ZLS3300/10000型井下集中制冷机组,降温系统结构紧凑,可服务2个综采工作面和8个掘进工作面。通过测试,2个采煤工作面干球温度平均降幅分别为7.2 ℃和9.25 ℃,工作面湿度为75%左右,各项指标均达到规定要求,工作环境得到显著改善,提高了矿井职业健康水平和劳动效率。


      Abstract: In order to completely solve the problem of underground heat damage in Xiaoyun Coal Mine, an underground centralized cooling system was established. Two sets of mine explosion-proof ZLS3300/10000 centralized refrigeration units were designed. The cooling system is compact and can serve two working faces and eight heading faces. After testing, the dry bulb temperature of the two coal mining faces was reduced on average 7.2 °C and 9.25 °C respectively, and the working surface humidity was about 75%. All the indicators met the specified requirements, the working environment has been significantly improved, and the occupational health level and labor efficiency of the mine have been improved.


