
    Hand-held Track Instrument for Shallow Drilling in Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 研制了煤矿井下手持式浅钻孔轨迹仪。仪器主要由孔口显示控制器、轨迹仪探管和输送杆3部分组成,用于煤矿井下较浅钻孔的输送式测量。轨迹仪探管可测量钻孔的倾角、方位角和工具面向角等姿态参数,孔口显示控制器同步工作并记录钻孔的深度和测量时间,二者通过蓝牙无线传输的方式进行通信,最终结果以数字和图形的方式显示出来。试验结果表明,该设备工作稳定、性能可靠,实用性强。


      Abstract: The hand-held inclinometer for coal mine shallow drilling has been developed. The instrument consists of display controller, probe and conveying rod, can be used to measure track for conveying measurement. The probe can measure the attitude parameters such as dip, azimuth, tool face angle and so on. The display controller works synchronously with the probe to record the depth and time, and the two communicate with the probe via Bluetooth wireless transmission. The final results can be displayed digitally and graphically. The results show that the instrument is steady, reliable and practicable.


