Attention Points Before Safety Certification Field Evaluation for Mining Products
摘要: 通过介绍安标现场评审的概念、流程、依据及准则,对安标评审13项准则和煤矿及非煤矿山生产企业需注意问题进行具体分析,使生产企业更深入的了解安标现场评审准则及评审前需注意的问题,做好充分的评审准备工作,从而顺利的通过安标现场评审。Abstract: Through introducing the concept,process,basis and principle of safety certification field evaluation,this paper analyzes thirteen principles of safety certification evaluation and the attention points for manufacturers of coal and non-coal mines,which makes manufacturers deeply understand the safety certification field evaluation and the attention points before evaluation,do full preparation work of evaluation,then smoothly pass through the safety certification field evaluation.