Application of In-seam Wave Reflection Method in Detecting Extension Development of Upper and Lower Plates of Large Faults in Working Face
摘要: 晋城某矿井2313工作面下巷揭露了1条断距为18 m的正断层,但延伸情况不清,对工作面安全回采将产生影响。基于槽波反射和透射法原理,并通过现场实际调研,采用双巷观测系统布置方式,合理设计了以双边巷道槽波反射探测为主,工作面整体槽波透射探测为辅的观测系统,对2313工作面大断层的上下盘反射界面及延伸情况进行探测,高精度控制了断层上下盘的延伸发育情况。结果表明:通过工作面2条巷道的双向反射分别探测出了断层的上下盘向工作面延伸发育情况,反射结果与槽波透射衰减系数CT图的异常反应位置较为吻合,且最终钻探验证断层上下盘位置偏差不大于10 m。因此通过观测系统的合理布置,针对工作面走向型的大断距断层,可以探测出其上盘与下盘的2个反射界面,从而更为精确地掌握断层的赋存情况。Abstract: A normal fault with 18 m separation is exposed in 2313 working face in Jincheng Coal Mine, but the extension status is not clear. The fault may have an effect on the safety mining. Based on the reflection and transmission method theory of in-seam wave and the site survey observing, system arrangement form of double tunnel is used to explore. Taking the reflection method as the principal thing, and transmission method as a supplement, the reflecting interface and the extension status of large fault in 2313 working face are explored. The results indicate the extension status of large fault is ascertained through reflection method in the two tunnels of 2313 working face. The exploration results of reflection method are identical with the attenuation coefficient CT results of transmission method. The positional deviation of fault is less than 10 m through drilling verification. Therefore, aiming at the large fault along with the strike of working face, the reflecting interface of hanging wall and footwall can be explored through reasonable arrangement form of observing system.