
    Application Design of Anti-derailment Load-bearing Vehicle for Excavation Roadway

    • 摘要: 针对煤矿粉尘治理中针对煤矿井下机掘巷道轨道铺设不标准,2条承载轨道出现前后、左右水平高差大的特殊环境,使得在轨道上运行的除尘设备承载车易掉道、翻车威胁矿工的人身安全的情况,设计了一种掘进巷道防脱轨承载车。该承载车允许机掘面2条承载轨道前后、左右高度差≤100 mm;在运行过程中能始终保持承载车4个轮对与轨道密实接触从而保证永不掉道。同时,该承载车具有安装方便、维护量小、故障率低、对掘进巷道轨道铺设无要求等优点。


      Abstract: In view of the special environment of non-standard track laying in the underground excavated roadway, large horizontal height difference between the front and back and the left and right of two load-bearing tracks, and the condition that the dust-removing equipment running synchronously on the tracks is liable to fall off the track and overturn, threatening the personal safety of miners, an anti-derailment load-bearing vehicle for excavation roadway is designed. The load-bearing vehicle allows the front and rear height difference of the two carrying rails of the machine plane to be ≤100 mm, and the four wheel sets of the carrying vehicle can be kept in close contact with the track during operation, thereby ensuring that the load-bearing vehicle never goes down. The load-bearing vehicle has the advantages of convenient installation, small maintenance, low failure rate, no requirement for laying roadway of the roadway.


